Friday, June 30, 2006


June 30th is National Blondes Day!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Something that made me happy....

My cactus bloomed....finally! I have been waiting and hoping it would bloom and I went outside tonight and found the first bloom!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Ever feel that way? That is the word that is describes the way I feel. I know I need not to worry that I need to give my cares, fears and worries to him. I pray that I can do this and that he will lead me in the right direction and decisions in the rough times in my life.....

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

June 21st First Day of Summer....longest day of the year and -

Today we are celebrating our 20th Wedding Anniversary. No plans today though...we are going to the Olde Homestead Suites in Lancaster on Friday and seeing Ruth at Sight & Sound on Saturday. A romantic great away to celebrate this wonderful occassion.
Year 25, I'm shooting for a cruise...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Take me back Tuesday

Musical Firsts (How many can you remember)

First CD/Album Purchased: Pink Floyd "The Wall"...I think

First Concert: Can't remember....but remember there were alot - Prince, Pink Floyd, Hooters, Men at Work, ZZ Top, Supertramp, Journey (along with a bunch of bands at JFK) Nirvana (most memorable)

First Over 21 Show: ?

First Musical Obsession: Pink Floyd

First Musical Crush: George Michael

First Musical/Musical Movie: (yeah right)

First Stereo: I think my older brothers leftover

First Portable Device/Player: Radio/Cassette player

First Musical Format Owned (i.e. LP, Cassette, 8 Track, CD) LP (45)

First 45/CD Single Purchased: Inherited my older brothers....

Monday, June 19, 2006

Five Item Meme...

Five Items in my fridge -
1. Pork (of course)
2. Mint Green Tea (homemade)
3. Blueberries (which David better do something with!)
4. Flavored coffee creamer
5. Couple bottle of Fuze (they have been there forever)

Five Items in my closet -
1. Purses (none which I like)
2. Stacks of pants that don't fit :(
3. Shoes and shoes and shoes...
4. Nascar flags (strange yes)
5. Nascar visor #8

Five Items in my car -
1. Rupert's collar
2. Knitting machine to be returned
3. Emergency car kit (thanks honey!)
4. Shepherding a child's heart (a study that Tammy and I are doing)
5. Lots of dog hair (Rup loves to ride in the car)

Five Items in my purse -
1. Red coke caps for
2. Work badge
3. Cell phone
4. Car keys
5. Credit cards, no money

More to come...

Saturday, June 03, 2006

It is the little things in life...

Yesterday I happened to look out my window and I saw a bird I have never seen before. I am somewhat of an avid birdwatcher. I have a journal I keep (at times) and enjoy very much seeing different types of birds in my yard. I quick ran and got my book and found out it was a Northern Flicker which is a type of woodpecker. I was so excited! I added him to my journal and hope he returns again. The one thing I would love to see in my yard is a hummingbird.....I'll keep you posted!!!