Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Take me back Tuesday

Musical Firsts (How many can you remember)

First CD/Album Purchased: Pink Floyd "The Wall"...I think

First Concert: Can't remember....but remember there were alot - Prince, Pink Floyd, Hooters, Men at Work, ZZ Top, Supertramp, Journey (along with a bunch of bands at JFK) Nirvana (most memorable)

First Over 21 Show: ?

First Musical Obsession: Pink Floyd

First Musical Crush: George Michael

First Musical/Musical Movie: (yeah right)

First Stereo: I think my older brothers leftover

First Portable Device/Player: Radio/Cassette player

First Musical Format Owned (i.e. LP, Cassette, 8 Track, CD) LP (45)

First 45/CD Single Purchased: Inherited my older brothers....

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